
The withdrawal deadline for the fall semester is
11:59 p.m. Dec. 5, 2024.

Single Course Withdrawal Process

How to withdraw from a course

If a student wishes to add, drop or withdraw from a course, there is a process to follow, which is explained on the Registrar’s website.

Full semester Withdrawal Processes

If a student wishes to withdraw from all of their courses during a semester, they must go through an official University withdrawal process.

When can students withdrawl?

Students can initiate the withdrawal process starting on the first day of classes, up until the last day of classes for that semester. The student must have confirmed enrollment to be eligible for a full semester withdrawal.

Who processes withdrawls?

  • Academic advising departments process non-medical withdrawals. 
  • The Dean of Students CARE Team processes medical withdrawals ONLY.

Withdrawal E-forms

All students who intend to take a full semester withdrawal (Non-medical or Medical) are required to complete a semester withdrawal e-form. 

Students who indicate on their university e-form that they are taking a full semester medical withdrawal due to medical reasons (physical and/or psychological) have additional steps they must complete.

Medical Withdrawal Process

Important reminders:

  • Medical withdrawals are only available during fall and spring semesters
  • All students who complete a medical withdrawal must also go through the medical re-enrollment process prior to returning to their academic program.
  • International students seeking a medical withdrawal will also need to notify the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) office.

Step 1: (Required) CARE Team Case Manager meeting

All medical withdrawals require a meeting with a case manager from the Dean of Students CARE Team.

  • Students can meet with a case manager in person, by phone or zoom.
  • This meeting is to further discuss the different medical withdrawal options (self or administrative) and the medical re-enrollment process.
  • Case managers can help students determine which option (self or administrative) would be the best option for them.

Step 2: (Required) Complete Medical Withdrawal steps

Follow the steps under the correct process. Refer to your CARE Team case manager on which process you are eligible to complete.

–– Self-Medical Withdrawal process:

–– Administrative Medical Withdrawal process:

If a student has already taken a medical withdrawal in previous semesters, they MUST complete an administrative medical withdrawal process moving forward. 

  • Undergraduate students required steps
    1. Undergraduate students must complete the University e-form
    2. Meet with a CARE Team case manager
    3. Complete a Provider Withdrawal Form
      • View steps on how to fill out this form below. 
      • Can be completed by a medical provider (therapist, primary care doctor, psychiatrist, etc.) on behalf of the student.
    4. The student must submit this form to the University’s Health and Counseling Office for review.
      • Documentation submission must be submitted through the student health portal.
      • To respect student privacy clinical and confidential records remain in clinical and confidential offices.
  • Graduate students required steps
    1. Graduate students must complete the University e-form
    2. Meet with a CARE Team case manager
    3. Complete a Leave of Absence (LOA) form through the graduate school
    4. Complete a Provider Withdrawal Form:
      • View steps on how to fill out this form below.
      • Can be completed by a medical provider (therapist, primary care doctor, psychiatrist, etc.) on behalf of the student.
    5. The student must submit this form to the University’s Health and Counseling Office for review.
      • Documentation submission must be submitted through the student health portal.
      • To respect student privacy clinical and confidential records remain in clinical and confidential offices.
  • Guide: How to submit the Provider Withdrawal Form
    1. Ask your provider to complete the Provider Withdrawal Form on your behalf and return it to you (the student).
    2. You (the student) will need to then upload it through your Patient Portal to Decker Student Health Services.
      • Go to https://binghamton.medicatconnect.com/
      • Indicate you are from Binghamton University.
      • Sign in using your PODS username and password.
      • Go to the UPLOADS section of the portal.
      • Upload the completed form using the link called "Withdrawal/Re-enrollment Forms"

Looking for an ongoing mental health provider?
Call the University Counseling Center at 607-777-2772 to request a treatment coordination appointment.

Additional information

Undergraduate Admissions Requirement:

Undergraduate students who have been on withdrawal for more than 3 semesters also must complete the request for re-enrollment form found online.

Housing: On-campus housing is NOT guaranteed following a medical withdrawal.

Students seeking on campus housing following a medical withdrawal will not be able to register for housing until the medical hold is removed from their account. For the hold to be removed the re-enrollment process must be completed. Please note that securing on campus housing is a separate process from re-enrollment. 

For further questions on housing please directly contact residential life central office at reslife@binghamton.edu.

Off campus housing options can be found online.

Academic Registration:

Class registration is not open at all points in the semester, a student may have to wait until the next open registration period. For further questions regarding registration please visit their website or contact Student Records. 

Students are encouraged to speak directly with their academic advising office. 

Have questions?

Contact us at 607-777-2804 or dos@binghamton.edu.